




【完美体育平台官网】盖茨投资20亿美元 致力清洁能源开发

发布时间:2025-02-11 21:11:01点击量:514
本文摘要:Bill Gates is no stranger to progressive thinking. The philanthropic foundation he runs with his wife, Melinda, has backed everything from longer-lasting pill-based contraception to a process whereby human waste can be converted into safe, drinkable water. Most of their efforts are focused on improving conditions for the world’s poor in markets often neglected by private sector corporations and government aid。

Bill Gates is no stranger to progressive thinking. The philanthropic foundation he runs with his wife, Melinda, has backed everything from longer-lasting pill-based contraception to a process whereby human waste can be converted into safe, drinkable water. Most of their efforts are focused on improving conditions for the world’s poor in markets often neglected by private sector corporations and government aid。盖茨根本就是先进设备思想的代表。


Bill Gates has announced that he will be doubling his personal investments in clean energy technology over the next five years. Taking his total stake to a whopping US$2 billion in renewable energy production and research, Gates argues that the time is right because he believes that the next five years will see major advancements in technology and initiatives that will help ‘solve’ climate change。盖茨宣告他个人在未来五年不会缩减到投资清洁能源技术。

投资全部20亿美元股本致力可再生能源的生产研究,盖茨称之为眼下正是时机,他指出接下来的五年科技不会突飞猛进,不会大力采取行动协助“解决问题”气候变化。Despite the size of Gates’s personal funding for clean technologies, he acknowledges it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the investments and decisions made by governments around the world, prompting him to make the case for why a carbon-free future is a realistic and worthwhile commercial goal。尽管盖茨个人对洗手技术的资金筹集数量高昂,但他也否认,比之世界各国政府的投资和决策而言,不过是杯水车薪。

这促成盖茨明确提出理由,缘何零碳未来是个不具现实意义、又有一点一拼成的商业目标。Gates lays out a three-step model on his blog for how the countries of the world can achieve this ambitious target. Firstly, he says we need to create incentives for innovation by drastically increasing government funding for research on clean energy solutions”. Second, we need to develop markets that help get to zero carbon emissions, with models that more accurately recognise the full impact of emitting carbon (including health and environmental factors). Finally, Gates says we need to treat poor countries fairly. Acknowledging that some climate change is inevitable, he advocates richer countries need to help poorer countries adapt to the world’s changing environmental conditions。盖茨在他的博客上所列了各国如何超过这一宏伟目标的三步模型。


